Monday, April 6, 2009

What's up everyone!

As you know by now i am the new addition to A.Artz. I'm Betsy, 27 yrs. old.
To share a little about myself...i have no idea where to begin, i guess
i can start by saying, i'm the down for whatever-whenever kind of person what i mean is i like doing all kinds of things from flying a kite at the park to fishing it doesn't matter as long as i'm
enjoying myself. i'm a huge movie junkie, i'll watch anything, my recent movies are
Twilight, Watchmen, Coraline(3-d), The Punisher:War Zone, i'm also a huge Spongebob fan.
I will say and admit that i'm addicted to Video Games(smilin'), i own every system ever made
and i am still keeping up with them, i play anything and everything on any system but
i will say that my all time favorite games are Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Final Fantasy VII, and
Zelda:Twilight Princess. Since i'm on a roll here as far as music my ears are open to everything that sounds good i don't care if it's a country song.

As far as how Stan and I met, we worked together at we both started on the
overnite shift different departments. A year later we were both working the
day shift on the same department. We would talk about comic books, movies, video games. When he mentioned that he was writing a script i was so excited for him so when
he contacted me and asked me to meet with me regarding his script i was stoked especially after learning more about it and learning what the story was all about. To end this here i do want to say that i can't wait to meet and talk to everyone, especially when i love meeting new people.
Thank you for reading and we'll meet soon.